This week's prompt was 'Bury the Doubt' but it didn't sit well with me.
I didn't want to bury the doubt.
Not that I have no problems with doubt or that I like to wallow in it.
No. I just think that if I bury it, I can go back and dig it up again. If I bury it it might rise again, zombie-like as my daughter remarked. If I bury it it might act like a seed and grow in to a whole plant and then be difficult to uproot.
I don't want to bury the doubt.
I want to kill it.
If I kill the doubt I can move forward.
But what can kill the doubt?
Well, how about the truth? If I remember the truth - that I am made in the image of the Creator of the universe, so how can I not be creative? - then the doubt starts to fade away. I'm not saying that it's easy, or that doubt is killed outright once and for all, but the more I listen to the truth, the more I start to believe it, and I can be freed from the doubts.
I start to leave them behind.
Their voices cannot reach me.
What do you do to silence the doubt?