
Monday, 25 September 2023

New tricks

 New tricks.

We all have to learn new things, no matter what age we are. At the moment I am learning a new software system at the bookshop where I work one day a week. Having just read a great book on memory (Remember by Lisa Genova) I have found that I was already applying the recommendations in the book to help me remember - pay attention, rehearse, make notes. These are the things I used many years ago when I was studying for exams, and I found them to be the best way for me to learn. If I make notes, I generally don't need to refer to them much afterwards, because the act of writing the notes helps to consolidate the info in my memory. 

Of course, I still make mistakes, but I have enough info from watching the videos, making the notes, and practicing, that I can usually work out where I went wrong. I knew I had become proficient at knitting when I was able to see and correct my own mistakes.

Have you been learning anything new lately?

Wednesday, 20 September 2023


Patience follows understanding.

Have you ever noticed that, when you understand someone's situation, you are better able to be patient with them? Understanding someone's struggles, where they're coming from, what they've endured in the past, helps us to give them some slack. Empathy kicks in allowing us to judge less and care more.

Tuesday, 19 September 2023



So, it's been a while. I had a project with a short deadline. And you know what? The housework that I didn't do while I was meeting the deadline was still there when I was done. Maybe we need to look at our priorities and work out what can be put off without harm.

Wednesday, 6 September 2023



People don't always think through their argument.

When someone found out my good friend went to church, they responded, "I don't believe in what I can't see." I fully understand that not everyone will share my faith, but please think through your argument. The response above is a knee-jerk put-down. It's designed to make people of faith feel small and stupid. 

By all means tell me that you don't share my faith - it's your prerogative - but don't tell me you only believe in what you see. For instance, you can't see electricity, air, X-rays, gravity, love, or any number of other things that people are happy to use/interact with/live as if they're real every day. As my husband says, you believe you have a brain even though you haven't seen it. 

Sunday, 3 September 2023



Some days are just tiring. 

It's not that anything particular happened. It's not like I did a lot of physical work. My body is just tired some days. So I take a rest when I can. 

And that's okay.