
Monday, 9 May 2022

Perspective and distance


While I'm working on new pages in my journal (yay!) I'll share a few of the things I did in the period of waiting for our stuff to arrive from the UK.

When I first cut out these circles, I didn't really think about the fact that my 'in-between' journal was only half the size of my usual ones. When I stuck them on to the page I was struck by the difference in magnitude. Either the one on the left was enormous, or was very much in the foreground. Which of course made me think about distance and perspective.

A lot of the time when we encounter a problem for the first time it feels enormous. We are up close to it and it blots out the sun. It's difficult to know how to tackle it and we just feel defeated. That's why sleeping on things can bring a whole new perspective. You've given it a little bit of distance and now it comes into better focus at a size that you can start to tackle. 

So maybe that impossible problem is not so impossible at all. Maybe it's just a question of distance and perspective.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just so delighted to see you back and posting, Tracy. It's not just the artwork, which is always inspiring, but the thoughtful way you work your way through your pieces. Welcome home! xo


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