Friday, 17 January 2025

Stepping stone?

Obstacle or stepping stone? 

It's all a matter of perspective. Some of us come to a stream and try to find a way round; some turn around and go back the other way; some stop, unable to work out what to do next; others cross over. 

What you do next depends on the circumstances, but there are options. 

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Ebb and flow

Ebbs and flows. 

We all experience them in all areas of life. We cannot keep up the highs forever. You have to come down the hills and go through the valleys to grow well. Just as walking on the level is good, going up and down, varying your pace, is better for becoming fitter. The valleys can allow us to process and put into practice the things learned at the top of the mountain. Conversely, the things learned at the top of the mountain give us resilience to make it through the valley and out the other side. 

The ebbs give us time to rest.

This is a quick piece done with Arrtx acrylic markers, just having fun playing.


Sunday, 12 January 2025

Slow life

A quiet life. A slow life. A contemplative life.

In a world of 'faster, busier, more', living a slow life can be seen as somewhat anachronistic. But many things worth doing take time and patience - growing anything, for a start. Making bread. Learning a new skill. Wanting everything immediately sets us up for a lot of disappointment. If you're not prepared to put the work in, to wait when nothing seems to be happening, then you'll give up before the pay-off. Lowering expectations and changing how you measure success can lead to a happier life. 

Wednesday, 8 January 2025


"I didn't fall in love. I rose in it." Toni Morrison. 

I know the feeling. I am so much better for loving and being loved by my wonderful husband. I have achieved way more than I could ever have imagined because he encourages me. He believes in my abilities way more than I do myself. He supports my creativity and never belittles me.  My life would have been very different without him in it.

Monday, 6 January 2025

Just begin

Sometimes we just have to begin. We'll make mistakes, start again, learn along the way, but if we keep making excuses and never begin, we won't grow.

Thursday, 2 January 2025

New toy!


My wonderful husband saw this tiny printing press (@openpressproject) on Kickstarter and pledged for me :) It is so cute. I immediately set it to work to make the Christmas Day giveaway for our church service - a tiny disco ball bauble. 

I had a piece of lino that was just the right size for the postcard. A quick (and rough) cut later and it was ready to get printing. These prints aren't perfect, but then neither are we, so that fit well with the idea the gift was portraying. 

How will you reflect the light this year?

Sunday, 29 December 2024

A quick catch-up

So, that was a little unintended break in blogging. I've been journalling as usual, but just not got round to posting things. It happens.

Here are a few random pages from the last couple of weeks where I've obviously been contemplating direction, and also still having fun with landscapes.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and found pockets of rest amongst the festivities. 

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Fountain or drain?

Be a fountain, not a drain.

I read this somewhere this week and I can't remember where, but it resonated with me. We all know those people who are drains in our lives - you part company and you're exhausted, even though it was only half an hour. Everything is always a drama with them and there's always something going on.

Then there are those people who buoy you up and refresh you. You can spend hours with them and still feel energised when they leave (yes, even us introverts!). They build you up and nurture you.

I know which type of person I'd rather be.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Leaving a mark


What are you leaving your fingerprints on?

What tracks are you leaving?

Both of these pages are about leaving a mark, a legacy. It's fun to think about what we are leaving behind and how we are affecting those around us. I guess it's the time of year when we look back and reflect on how things have gone, and soon we'll be looking forward to what we want to achieve for the coming year. 

So, are you leaving fingerprints as you shape things (and people), or are you walking (or driving) over them?

Wednesday, 20 November 2024


What's in your nest? 

Sometimes pages just seem to take on a life of their own. This is one of those. No idea where it came from, but when it was done it was obviously a nest. 

So what are nests all about? They are receptacles and shelters for eggs and young. They are cosy places to wrap up and settle in. They are bowl-like, used to hold, protect, or support something. So what is being laid or sheltered? What is being supported? Or do I just need a bit of quiet time? (Always!) I need to do a bit of thinking here.