Tuesday, 18 February 2025

New series


I've been working on a new series, and it is only in the last couple of days that I have realised what they are about, and why little tally marks have been appearing on my pages recently. Does that happen to you? Or do you have an idea going in? In writing it's called plotters and pantsers - those who plot everything, and those who write on the fly. I guess the same is true for visual artists, too. There are those who plan, and those who start and wait to see what happens.

This series is called 'How do we mark our days?' Each canvas started from a black background, but still has my signature bright colours.

And I was successful with an EOI at our local library, for an exhibition called The Open Community Exhibition. Yay for me :). My pieces are displayed in a corridor, so this is the best I could do with a photo:

Friday, 14 February 2025

What's important

What's important to you may be trivial to others.  

We all have our pet subjects, but they may not be of interest to others, so don't be surprised when your enthusiasm for something (such as being chosen to exhibit somewhere) means nothing to them. It's disappointing when people don't get behind you on something you enjoy. One way to ameliorate the situation is to find 'your people'. They will be your cheerleaders, and you will be theirs. 

Anyone who isn't behind you just isn't 'your people' for that particular thing.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025



The tide comes in.

The tide goes out.

All things pass eventually, even if that 'tide' is a tsunami. 

Monday, 10 February 2025



You can only control you.

You cannot control your situation or how others react, so save your energy. Put it into how you react within yourself.

Friday, 31 January 2025


Forgive - others and yourself. 

At times it can be so much easier to forgive others than yourself. 

Wednesday, 29 January 2025



What does contentment require?

The answer for each of us is different, but it is worth knowing what it is for you. How much is enough? What conditions are best for you? Do you really need 'x'? Sometimes it is necessary to strip things back, to simplify, to bring more contentment.

Here is the latest vase of flowers. I think it is my favourite so far. It feels like the most loose in terms of not trying too hard.

Thursday, 23 January 2025



I'm working on a new series of mixed-media pieces and have hit that 'messy middle' part where I have no idea where they're going and they look too samey. So I've been doing some little flower sketches. The one above is done with acrylics. The one below I posted a few posts ago, done with paint pens, and the bottom one was done a while ago with tissue paper collage and paint.

I shall explore further with a mix of techniques, I think, before going back to my canvases in the hope that some inspiration may have struck by then. I don't think there's a thing called artist's block - just a pause in whatever you are working on that calls for a change of project for a while. 

Friday, 17 January 2025

Stepping stone?

Obstacle or stepping stone? 

It's all a matter of perspective. Some of us come to a stream and try to find a way round; some turn around and go back the other way; some stop, unable to work out what to do next; others cross over. 

What you do next depends on the circumstances, but there are options. 

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Ebb and flow

Ebbs and flows. 

We all experience them in all areas of life. We cannot keep up the highs forever. You have to come down the hills and go through the valleys to grow well. Just as walking on the level is good, going up and down, varying your pace, is better for becoming fitter. The valleys can allow us to process and put into practice the things learned at the top of the mountain. Conversely, the things learned at the top of the mountain give us resilience to make it through the valley and out the other side. 

The ebbs give us time to rest.

This is a quick piece done with Arrtx acrylic markers, just having fun playing.


Sunday, 12 January 2025

Slow life

A quiet life. A slow life. A contemplative life.

In a world of 'faster, busier, more', living a slow life can be seen as somewhat anachronistic. But many things worth doing take time and patience - growing anything, for a start. Making bread. Learning a new skill. Wanting everything immediately sets us up for a lot of disappointment. If you're not prepared to put the work in, to wait when nothing seems to be happening, then you'll give up before the pay-off. Lowering expectations and changing how you measure success can lead to a happier life.