Saturday 14 September 2024

Just because

Just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean you have to. 

It's something that mothers say when we do something dumb, but it applies now, especially in the days of social media. "Everyone has a YouTube channel, everyone is on TikTok, you have to be an influencer." But you don't! We don't have to follow everyone else. We can carve out our own way of doing things. What works for one person doesn't always work for another, so don't worry about being different. 

Thursday 12 September 2024


Learning from all of it.

Even from the bits that don't work. The thing is to learn from all of our experiences, even when we learn how not to do things.

My SALA experience wasn't all that I hoped, but I learned from it. One of the things I learned is how I would do it if I were running it myself. These are things that I can squirrel away for the future, just in case.


Thursday 5 September 2024

Counting the days


Those of you who have passed a certain age know what I'm talking about - the whole reset and start counting again during perimenopause. When you get to 90 days and then have to start again... Well, let's just say I'm not best pleased! I have to keep reminding myself that going on for longer is better for my heart and my bones.