Where do you thrive? Sea, estuary, or fresh water? Your environment affects you.
Once I'd put the red lines on this page I couldn't see them as anything else but eels. After leaving them for a few hours, I gave in and added the eyes. And that set me to thinking about eels and how they move from salt to fresh water, and what that means for their biology.
Our environment affects us. It can cause us to change the way we behave. You only have to think of children raised in a domestically violent situation who become people-pleasers because that's how they survive. Or LGBTQIA+ people who hide a big part of who they are at work because, sadly, it is safer for them that way.
What environment suits you best? What do you need to thrive? I keep coming back to this topic - or rather, it keeps turning up in my pages so it's obviously in my mind. Even when we are in not-so-good situations, we still have some control over our 'environment' in terms of making sure to carve out time to do things that nourish us, to get enough sleep, to eat as well as we can.