Sunday, 29 December 2024

A quick catch-up

So, that was a little unintended break in blogging. I've been journalling as usual, but just not got round to posting things. It happens.

Here are a few random pages from the last couple of weeks where I've obviously been contemplating direction, and also still having fun with landscapes.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and found pockets of rest amongst the festivities. 

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Fountain or drain?

Be a fountain, not a drain.

I read this somewhere this week and I can't remember where, but it resonated with me. We all know those people who are drains in our lives - you part company and you're exhausted, even though it was only half an hour. Everything is always a drama with them and there's always something going on.

Then there are those people who buoy you up and refresh you. You can spend hours with them and still feel energised when they leave (yes, even us introverts!). They build you up and nurture you.

I know which type of person I'd rather be.