Monday, 21 November 2022

Bend or break


Do you bend or break with the wind?

Our current severe weather has me thinking about how we react differently to the storms in our life. Why were some plants left whole and others were torn apart even though they were both in the path of the wind? Why do some people come through difficult times stronger and others are beaten down by it all? 

Some trees were completely torn apart, others lost a branch or two, and some were badly shaken but lost only a few leaves and twigs. The same can be said for people. Some are more resilient, whether by nature or by deliberate cultivation. We cannot prepare for every eventuality, but we can grow our resilience deliberately to better withstand the storms of life. 


  1. That's a gorgeous page, Tracy, and that last line says it all. As we experience difficulties or outright disaster in life, we can learn resilience. May we bend with the wind.

  2. Definitely want to be bending not breaking!


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