Friday, 24 July 2015

Circle Journal - Shelby

Shelby's journal arrived with me last week. Her theme is 'I like this quote because…' The journal is smaller than I usually work with - a challenge!

I picked a couple of quotes and did two spreads. This first one was by Rodin - 'Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.' I like this quote because it challenges us to use everything, to learn from everything, whether good or bad. I try not to get impatient waiting in queues, but instead use the time for observation, prayer, reflection.

The second quote I picked is from Einstein. It is a favourite in our household where we are all storytellers and voracious readers. 'If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.' I only used the first half because of space, but it continues, 'If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.' 

And here are a couple of close-ups:

Plus I thought you might like to see what I spend a lot of the winter doing:

This is a detail from the jumper I just finished for myself. I can only knit during the winter months as it is just too hot in the summer and the yarn gets ruined. 

Are your creative projects seasonal?


  1. This is just wonderful! And your knitting is out of this world!!!

  2. Tracy - fabulous pages, and I love the quotes you chose! I can't say that my creative projects are seasonal, but I can see why you'd be knitting only in the winter - if I learned how to knit, that's what I'd have to do, too. The 33+ C heat here would do any jumper in! :D

  3. The little girl stamp is so sweet-have never seen one quite like it!

  4. Lovely spreads and great quotes.

  5. Love seeing your journal pages. Nice work!


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