Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Pounded by the waves

The waves may smack on to the seashore, but they always recede.

There are times in life when circumstances just seem to get on top of you. Sometimes you feel like you're lying on the sand while the waves keep smashing down on you like the highest of high tides.

You feel like you'll never be able to get up again.

Even when it's a spring tide and you feel like the waves are overwhelming and unremitting, hold on to the fact that the waters will recede, because they always do. No matter how many times they knock you over, eventually the waves will die down and the tide will drop.

You'll get the chance to catch your breath again.

Believe it.

Hang on in there.


  1. So true, Tracy! You doing 29 Faces this year? I am thinking about it. Come see me sometime.

  2. A wonderful page, Tracy, and, as always, a timely and thoughtful text to go with it.


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