Autumn approaches - the season of pruning, and harvest, and collecting seeds.
After our upheaval of the last year it seems fitting that my life should feel like I'm entering the season of autumn. I look at the garden we've inherited, which hasn't really been looked after in recent years, and am bracing myself for the hedge trimming and general pruning and tidy up that needs to be done in the next few months. The meadow we want to encourage needs mowing back and the seeds allowed to drop before raking in the clippings.
And it feels much the same for me. There are places that need pruning back because they are not where my future lies. There are seeds that need to be collected ready for planting in spring in readiness for a new crop. There is fruit to harvest from our last season which wasn't necessarily apparent when we moved on but is now ripe.
Autumn approaches and there are jobs to be done.