Wednesday, 6 March 2024

What you're not


Knowing what you're not as well as what you are. 

Still working my way through Questlove's Creative Quest. One of the things he talks about is knowing what you're not - as an artist - as well as what you are (inspired by David Byrne). Knowing that I am not an oil painter or a sculptor or a watercolourist helps me to focus in on what I am which is a mixed-media artist. I've tried those other things, but they're not for me. They don't spark excitement and pleasure and contentment in me like mixed-media does. 

In general life it's good to know what you're for just as much as what you're against. It's easy for people to tell me, as a Christian, what (they say) I am against. I prefer to define myself more by what I am for: I am for love. I am for caring for people and understanding that they are individuals. I am for giving dignity and respect, even if I don't fully understand. I am for including rather than excluding. I am for forgiving and giving second chances where appropriate. 

Know what you are and what you're not.


  1. What a terrific post and a beautiful page, Tracy. I think it's brilliant to know what I'm not (a potter, for example) - it's such a perfect way to hone in on what we really are!

    1. I'm with you on not being a potter. Tried it but it's not for me.


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