Friday, 28 June 2024

Your own way

Do it your own way.

We've been looking a little at the life of David at church in the last few weeks. The famous fight with Goliath inspired this page. David is dressed in Saul's armour, because that's how soldiers fight, right? But David is a shepherd, not a soldier, and Saul is head and shoulders taller than David. The armour doesn't fit, and David simply isn't used to wearing it anyway. Neither does he know how to wield a sword.

So David does it his own way, with a sling and a stone.

How often do we try to do whatever it is we're doing in a way that someone else tells us is 'right'? Really we need to be like David and know what works for us, what we are comfortable and practiced with. Of course there are times where we need to learn new things and not stubbornly stick to old ways, but let's apply some wisdom.

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