Monday, 16 September 2019

Interior weather

Don't let your interior weather affect how you interact with others.

This page made me think of sunshine, rain, and rainbows. The weather around us can affect how we react - cold grey days can make us feel like hunkering down and avoiding anyone else; sunny days see us eating outside and inviting friends along.

We also have interior weather - our mood. We might be feeling sad or angry or smug, and that can affect how we interact with others. It's hard to be kind when we're feeling put-upon, but we must work at it. If we let our mood dictate our interactions, we will damage a lot of relationships.

We can cope with any sort of weather if we are properly dressed for it. The same can be said of our interior weather. With training and care, we can make our interactions generous and edifying, no matter what is going on inside.

(I'm not talking about wearing masks all the time because that isn't healthy. However, we can work on not taking out our bad mood on those around us.)

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