Sunday 1 September 2019

Make time

The simplest action can have a profound effect.

The other day my husband invited people back for coffee after the morning service. He called me to let me know they were on their way, which gave me just enough time for a quick scurryfunge (that act of tidying what you can while on your way to the door to let people in). I had been about five minutes away from heading out to the shops, but put my plans on hold and the kettle on. We enjoyed an hour chatting and everyone headed home.

I made my planned walk to the shops and thought no more about it.

The following day one of the women who had come for coffee arrived on the doorstep with a plant. She wanted to thank us for the time we had given the day before. It was just coffee and a chat - an hour of our time - but for her it was obviously so much more.

When we put our plans aside and give people time, it lets them know that they are seen and heard. The community moment was well worth the delay to my plans. So leave some wiggle-room in your calendar because you never know what divine appointments might crop up.

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