Monday, 4 July 2022


"My house is perfect as long as there is nothing going on in it." Kathi Lipp

I read this quote on a blog this week and it really stuck with me. Yes, we clean and tidy our houses and it lasts about 27 seconds before someone puts something down/walks on the clean floor/uses the toilet. A lived-in house is rarely 'perfect' and that's its charm. It reflects the life of those who live in it. 

And can't the same be said of a life? A life that is lived to the fullest isn't perfect, because life is messy. 


  1. Bang on with your thought here, Tracy, and that's a wonderful way to look at a life. Messy rules, and is just one side of the coin!

    1. Long live the mess! Housework is for the bored :)


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