Wednesday, 31 July 2013

'Just' a mother

I am a home-schooling mum and clergy wife. Whenever people ask me what I do, I find it difficult to answer because what they really mean is what do you do to earn money. The choice we made as a family was to have a smaller income and give time - really a very small sacrifice as children grow so quickly - until our daughter is grown. 

Sometimes I feel as if I am 'just' a mother. Especially in a room full of people who all have careers. Then I have to remind myself that being a mother is a blessing and a privilege. That's the first journal page above. 

But I wasn't done with the subject. The second page, with its gelli-printed papers for a background and graffiti style, followed on quickly as I remembered that there are many labels that you could use for what I do and what I am. 

And that I am more than a label.

I am still growing.

I am multi-faceted.

I am more than the sum of my parts.

I am never 'just' anything...


  1. I love your pages and your honesty on them, Tracy. You are a child of the King! (1 John 3:1)

  2. Beautiful images. I agree, you are never 'just' anything. It's sad that labels are even necessary and we definitely cannot be only one since we all wear many hats everyday by 'just' living.
    Stay inspired!

  3. I have found similar challenges when I try to explain my art to non-arters. I think there are many people who worry they are "just" - glad you are reminding them that no one is "just"! Thanks for sharing with the party!

  4. The colors on the second are absolutely gorgeous. I like the first one too.

  5. Wonderful thought... I am more than the sum of my parts!
    Good thoughts to get out there!

  6. So very true. What a wonderful gift you are giving your daughter - you with her, and your knowledge of your importance. Both of your journal pages are lovely!

  7. Oh I know the feeling. Even if I had my own business before I married and became a mom and all that... I am a mom and right now that's my main job and career.
    Love your gelli collage!

  8. Interesting: I am the clergy and the mother! Nice syncronicity! I love what you have said here because each can be all encompassing - I love the expansiveness of your art and of your thoughts. Quite brilliant in each area. Heartfully Yours, Samara

  9. 2 wonderful pages. Getting money for that what you do, doesn´t automatically mean, it is good what you do.

  10. Wonderfully put. I think careers are overrated :-D no, I don't know, it's not one of my personal goals so what do I know. It's difficult so say in a few sentences. I think it's impossible to 'define' mother in these days. I sometimes feel being a mother is just too much for me, esp. on days when I don't have even a few minutes for myself to remember who I am. I'm working half time, can't imagine to stay at home completely, but I'd never judge any woman who decides differently. There's no such thing like "just" a mother ... Oh, and your page is absolutely awesome :-) Have a great Sunday, Suzanne

  11. I love your just: it is creative and leave the space for our imagination :)
    well done!
    many thabnks for your visit and so emotional comment :)


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