Saturday, 1 February 2014

29 Faces - day 1

I've seen the 29 Faces challenge around on other blogs and thought I'd join in this round. Hop on over here to see all those other faces that are being drawn this month, or use the button in the sidebar.

I'm not really that secure in drawing faces and I find that they tend to all look similar, so I'm hoping I'll learn, grow, and stretch (my word for the year) during this month of experimentation.

I have an old exercise book that I've been using for cleaning off my brayer or gelli-plate so decided to use that. For starters here's a face drawn with an eyedropper full of ink. It's one of the exercises in the excellent book Drawing Lab for Mixed Media Artists by Carla Sonheim. Using an eyedropper means that you have less control and so letting go of perfection is a bit easier. There will be blobs. You just have to accept that.

This face started with purple ink but it didn't show up too well so I went over it with black then added a couple of highlights with a white correction pen.


  1. Love it! eyedropper - might give that a go myself, looking forward to seeing more of your art

  2. I love the technique (I use it myself!) Fabulous face - I look forward to seeing your next one!

  3. Loving the technique you used to create this fab face. Annette x

  4. Great technique resulting in a fabulous face. Love the background marks as well.

  5. Wonderful! Have a wonderful month!

  6. She looks a bit disappointed, your colors are wonderful.

  7. So glad you are joining us this go-around! I love the idea of using the brayered background. It add a lot of interesting colors.

  8. Wow, I really like her. Fab work!

  9. Oh Tracy! I would say:

    just FAB!

    I am so excited about this event - fantastic!!!

  10. Cool style and texture! I really like the style of the hair, especially the big curls at the bottom.

  11. Blobs are awesome! Your face is wonderful, and this is the perfect month to stretch!

  12. How interesting. A great face.

  13. Love the wild/uncontrolled effect using this technique - fabulous face :)

  14. I just viewed your "faces": I love how you incorporated them into the background, and the different styles. Awesome!


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