Friday, 26 April 2019

Cliff or tunnel?

Do not be put off by the height of the cliff - there may be a tunnel through it.

I've been using this page to wipe off excess paint from my brush or plastic card. Somehow a tunnel entrance/exit popped up on it. I can see a theme to my pages at the moment...

The other block of black kept reminding me of a cliff face or a huge building. When faced with something large, we can see it as an insurmountable obstacle. But you wouldn't think to climb a skyscraper before first looking for a door. Sometimes there is a way through rather than over.

This spiritual tunnel I seem to be going through may feel bleak, but it means I am overcoming an obstacle, even if I can't see what it is from this angle.

The tunnel mouth on this page feels like the end of the tunnel rather than the start to me. I am hopeful because the surroundings are bright

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful imagery, Tracy - both in paint and in words. I love how your clean-off page became such a strong focal point!


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