Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Bloom first

You can't be fruitful until after you've bloomed.

The usual way of things is for seeds to sprout, leaves to grow, and then the plants flower - or bloom - before they produce fruit. To bloom is defined as 'to come into or be in full beauty or health; flourish'. It makes sense that we need to flourish before we become fruitful.

So the question is: what does it take to flourish?

The answer will be different for each of us. The aim, then, is to work out what we need to flourish and then make sure we live a life that allows us to do that. Producing lots of leaves is all very well, but it doesn't lead to fruit.

You may think that flowering is not really you - you're not a showy tropical plant, full of large colourful blooms. But there are flowers that are much more subtle than that. It's not about how showy your flowers are, but that you produce them.


  1. Gorgeous piece! Wonderful message - so very true!

  2. LOVING this page, Tracy, and you're bang on with both the sentiment and the painting. Many thanks!


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