Monday 20 May 2019


Trusting that the turmoil will calm eventually.

This page is made up mostly of blotting off the gelli-plate and using up excess paint. I use plastic credit-type cards as palettes, so when there is paint left over on them, I just scrape them off. This means that the layers are just piled up on each other with no thought as to how they will fit together.

It is a page of turmoil - defined as 'a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty' - much how I feel some days. What gets me through is seeing women in their sixties and seventies who are living fulfilled and happy lives. It lets me know that 'this too shall pass'.

1 comment:

  1. There's a lot of energy in this turmoil, Tracy, and that tells me that you're in a time of great change. Good things coming!


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