Thursday, 23 February 2023



Specialist language. 

Many jobs have it. The acronyms, the phrases that are thrown about as if everyone who hears them knows exactly what you mean by them. And maybe they do in the office/lab/warehouse/courtroom etc., but when you use them in everyday conversation they don't mean anything. 

I guess I'm wrestling with my 'exhibition rationale'. I wrote something, and a friend turned it into 'art speak'. There are key words and phrases that make it sound more 'arty', but I wonder if it really helps people who are viewing the art to understand it better or not. And if not, who is the specialist language for? Is it to facilitate or to exclude?

1 comment:

  1. That's a stunning page, Tracy, and a fascinating question. When I opened the gallery here in town, my aim was to make the local artwork accessible to locals and guests in the area, and to be a hub of learning. Art speak was certainly not a part of it at all, and I find that kind of 'marketing' puts people off in a huge way. Stick to your lovely and unique style, my friend! xo


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