Thursday, 8 March 2018


As I'm sure you can imagine, we had a lot of 'goodbye' events at the end of February. It took a while to process all the things that were said. Many people spoke of ways in which we had helped them, been an encouragement, or done something that seemed insignificant to us but was obviously of great value to them.

It set me to thinking:

You may not know the impact you have on someone's life until you leave.

But why do we wait until someone is leaving before we tell them what they mean to us? Do it today! Let those ripples that someone has set in motion in your life be known. It is a real encouragement (and sometimes downright embarrassing for them!) when we praise a person who has made a difference to us. It can make their day, so why hold back?

(If you've visited before and wonder why my pages are quite different from the usual, it is because I have moved from Australia to the UK - hence all the goodbyes - and have an extremely limited set of materials at the moment. Well, it's one way to stretch yourself I suppose...)

1 comment:

  1. This is such a truth, Tracy, and I love your suggestion that we speak up much sooner rather than later. We never know when it may be too late!


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