Tuesday 1 May 2018

New studio!

Finally our stuff has arrived from Australia! On Thursday our 322 wrapped and boxed items were delivered and the unboxing began. Now it's Monday and there are only two more boxes to empty. All the books are on shelves, although it will take a few weeks to sort them all out. A lot of the art is on the walls, but there are still many items to find a home for.

As you can see from the photo above, I have a tall table set up with an easel, and yes, there is a journal on there :) The natural light from the skylight is wonderful and makes up for the reduction in space.


  1. I'm so excited to see that you are set up in the studio already - didn't you go a on an unpacking spree? I'm at the opposite end, packing like a mad woman for our May 22 move. I surely hope I can unpack as quickly as you did!!

  2. I HATE moving! You sure pliwedthrutheboxes!


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