Thursday, 1 November 2018

Finished canvases

I've finished three of the twenty canvases I recently bought. They are all 20 x 20cm - slightly smaller than my usual art journal pages - but I like the square format.

I'm tackling them in the same way that I would a journal page, using the same techniques and materials as far as possible. I found that some things, such as Neocolor IIs aren't as easy to use on a canvas. The way I usually scribble with them doesn't produce the same result unless it is on top of a piece of collaged paper, and even then the give in the canvas makes it harder. It's all an opportunity to learn.

1 comment:

  1. Your canvasses are fabulous, Tracy - I hope you've given yourself a huge pat on the back for your creations. Your wonderful colour and designs transfer beautifully to canvas, and these will make great additions to any home!


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